
Rayleigh Grange

Family History 3

Status:Active, full but can join waiting list
When: Monthly on Wednesday afternoons
Second Wed 2pm - 4pm
Venue: Members Home

Group Leader: Ann Rawlinson

The family history groups are run by Ann Rawlinson, who has many years of experience in family history research.

The Groups meet in Ann’s home where members are able to take advantage of her extensive library of family history books and material.

Consequently the groups can be of no more than seven people. There are vacancies in some of the family history groups at present, but Ann is always willing to offer advice on family history research to any of our members.

Family History has become a very popular subject fuelled by television programmes such as “Who do you think you are”. Unfortunately it is a subject, certainly in the early stages, which is now virtually controlled by the computer and the internet. It is no longer possible to research in the various London repositories which once held so much information as they no longer exist and their holdings have been transferred to on-line websites.

Although family history research is now much easier for those who have a computer it can also be expensive with the building blocks of research, which are birth, marriage and death certificates now, cost of certificates now varies and can be cheaper than £9. Also, subscriptions to Ancestry and Find my Past can be very costly.

One of our members has discovered that they are related to an interesting historical character – Captain William Locker, who was Nelson’s “Sea Daddy”, and another has discovered previously unknown Huguenot ancestors. One member’s ancestor was a talented sculptor who may have worked on the lions in Trafalgar Square, and another’s kinsman was Lieutenant Thomas Fletcher Waghorn, a pioneer of the overland postal route to India and whose statue is at Chatham.

If you would like to be added to the waiting list of this Group or would like to start another Family History group please send an email to Groups Co-Ordinator

Family History 3 meets on the second Wednesday 2pm - 4pm.